Compiled By: Mrs. Grace Lester in 1964, with the assistance of Mrs. Miller Gray and Mrs. Eva Dicer – Transcribed and shortened By: Ken W Henry 2015 – 51 years later
School Section # 15 Moore was formed in 1870 after a petition was presented to the Council of said Township of Moore by William Nicholson for the formation of a new school section to help some of the school children who had a long distance to go to school.
A bylaw was passed on June 30, 1870 and Angus McKay was given authority to organize the School Section. This was to take effect December 25, 1870.
Miss Jane Harkness (later Mrs. David Gray) was the first school teacher of the section.
The School Section was comprised of parts of Concessions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Later, at the formation of other sections, those parts of Concessions 1, 2, 3 were removed to other new sections.
At first the section was as follows: Conc. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Lots 13 to 18 inclusive and Conc. 6 and 7, Lots 14 to 16 inclusive.
Later when these lots were removed on the lower Concessions 1, 2, 3 the north half of Lot 18, Concession 3 was left in Section 15 and Lots 13 and the East half of Lots 17 Concessions 6 & 7 were taken into Section 15.
The earlier records from the opening of the section until April 1, 1879 are not available.
The names of the teachers who taught from 1870 until 1879 were Miss Jane Harkness, Mr. Pierce, Miss Milliken, Mr. Trapp, Mr. Brown, Mrs. James Jarvis, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Kerr, whose record in the register dated April 1, 1879 list the name of the following pupils:
Barbara Gray 11yrs, Henry Andrew 15 yrs, Elvira Wells 13yrs,
William Wells 15yrs. Mary J. Nicholson 11yrs, Francis Burns 11 yrs,
Mary Mallock 16 yrs. Margaret Mallock 15 yrs David Mullock 9 yrs
Agnes Reid 10 yrs James Mullock 11yrs Thomas Wells 9 yrs
Thomas Blackman 12 yrs Adam Andrews 12 yrs Mary Baxter 14 yrs
Isaac Andrew 12 yrs George Gray 5 yrs James Warren 10 yrs
Marjory Gray 9 yrs Thomas Burns 10yrs Mary M. J. Gray 9 yrs.
Jane Nicholson 9 yrs Lucy Andrews 9 yrs. Sarah Nicolson 8 yrs.
Mary Mc Norton 9 yrs Tyler Jones 14 yrs Thomas Robb 12 yrs
Ellen Nicholson 6 yrs Robert Reid 13 yrs Annie McPherson 7 yrs
Elizabeth McPherson 12 yrs Isabella Mollock 6 yrs Flora McPherson 9 yrs
John Gray 6 yrs Isabella McPherson 14 yrs Margaret Nicholson 13
Elizabeth Andrew 8 yrs James Nicholson 14 yrs Thomas Roan 14 yrs
Ella T. Nicholson 5 yrs Lizzie Blackman 7 yrs James Blackman 13 yrs
Isaac Andrew 6 yrs Louisa Gray 7 yrs.
In the early days each Township had its own school inspector, appointed by the Council. The first school inspector in Moore Township was Rev. G Salter.
Earliest records at hand show that in 1891 the Trustees were William Gray, Charles Arnold and Thomas Burns. Mr. Wm Gray was also the Secretary.
The original school was sold in 1896, and was replaced by an up-to-date building.
Tenders for the new school were received by Mr. William Gray, Secty., ranging from $500 to $800.
Those who tendered were: Timothy Green of Sombra, George Stewart of Courtright, James Jeffrey of Waubuno, James White of Brigden and Angus R. McKay of Seckerton.
Mr. A. R. McKay built the school for $500 and Miss Gilliland was the first teacher in the new school. She was chosen from seven applicants. Salaries sought were $275 to $300 for ladies. The only male applicant was seeking $375. Miss Gilliland received $280.
The Janitor’s salary, for sweeping, dusting, bringing in wood for the large box stove and keeping the fire going, was $6.00 per term. This included scrubbing the floors twice a year. The school was frequently so cold that those near the stove were in distress from the red hot heat, while those at the front were exceedingly cold.
Mr. Wm. Gray bought the old school and it is interesting to know that the building remained on the Kimball Sideroad on skids for two months before the roads were in condition to move the building to his farm on the sixth Line. A few years later, Mr. Gray lost his barn by fire and the old school house, which had been used for a granary, burned also.
In the year 1909, the school house was repaired and new cloak rooms were built on the south side. Also, more windows were added to the north wall of the school.
The Board at this time was composed of Henry Andrew – Chairman, John Andrew and Alex McKay – Secretary.
In the year 1936, the school was re-sided with brickote siding, which was a decided improvement to the outside appearance, also to the comfort of the pupils within.
In several instances there have been 3 generations who have attended SS # 15 and in one family there are four generations living who received their education there.
Four generations
Mrs. Hettie Gray Miller – son James, grandson John and great grandson Barry Miller.
Three Generations
James Blackman – son Lewis – grandson Ronnie Blackman
Henry Andrew – son Goldie, granddaughter Iva
Chas Leaper – daughter Grace Leaper (Lester) – granddaughter Marie Lester
Thomas Nicholson – son Clyde – grandson Kenneth Nicholson
Jean Duncan Gray – son Donald -grandson Douglas Gray
Arthur Courtney – son Fred – grandson Michael Courtney
Nellie (Arnold) Robbins – son Ivan – granddaughters (triplets) June, Joyce and Jeannette Robbins
Arthur Eyre – son Elvin Eyre – grandson Russell Eyre