(corner of Moore Line and Brigden Road)

The post office at Birkhall operated from 1858 until 1882, when the Seckerton post office opened. School Section #8 Moore was located at Birkhall, on the southwest corner of Moore Line and Brigden Road, in a building that was constructed in 1873 to replace an 1863 building located nearby. An interesting tale of this area comes from Mr. F. H. McKenzie who recalled being sent to school two years early, at the age of only 4, as his mother felt it was safer for him to be in school due to the number of rattlesnakes in the area! After centralization of schools in 1963, the 1873 building was converted into a house.
Belden’s Illustrated Historical Atlas of the County of Lambton, Ontario, 1880, Edited and Published With Additions by Edward Phelps. Sarnia, Ont.: Phelps, 1973.
Birkhall Centennial – S. S. No. 8, Moore, 1863 – 1963. [s.l.]: [s.n.], (1963).
School Section Number 8, Moore Township
Johnston, A. J. Lambton County Names and Places. [s.l.]: Lambton County Council, 1925, revised 1942, second edition.