The Christ Church Anglican congregation grew out of the first Anglican Communion in Lambton County, Sutherland’s Trinity Church, which was established at Mooretown. During the 1850’s and 1860’s, the population in the township was booming. It was becoming difficult for the old Sutherland’s church to accommodate the increasing membership so as a result Christ Church was built for the northerly section of the township. The church doors were opened for worship by the Lord Bishop of Huron in August of 1861. The Sarnia Observer of Aug. 16, 1861 reports that the church opening ceremonies were crowded with 500 people attending the service while the building was built to seat 300. After the opening service, 45 people were confirmed on that same day. The Observer also reported that a collection was taken which amounted to almost $50.00. At the dedication services led by Bishop Cronyn, a lovely communion service consisting of silver chalices, paten, and wine flagon were presented to the church by Froome Talfourd in commemoration of the opening.
The church was not consecrated until 1863. It was a large dark brown frame building situated on Hill St. facing south. The efforts which succeeded in establishing the new congregation can be put to the credit of families such as the Allinghams, Millers, Wards, Maguires, Dobsens, Chisletts, Wilsons, Bucks, Ellis, Nevilles and Proctors.
In August of 1904, the church suffered a fire. Mr. Hewer of Corunna led the fire brigade to rescue the church building from destruction. In recognition and gratitude of his successful heroism, the congregation of Christ Church presented him with an address and a purse. Mr. Hewer subsequently returned the purse to the church as a donation to the building fund.
During the rectorship of Rev. Edwin Lee, which began in 1900, it was decided to remodel and improve the church. Thus Corunna church was remodeled and made smaller. This enterprise was successfully completed in 1905. The new frame church was consecrated on July 2 by the Venerable Archdeacon Richardson. The parish hall was formerly used by the Chosen Friends Society. The interior of the parish hall and the church building were entirely renovated in 1954, only a year after the parish ceased to be a mission charge and became self-sustaining.
As of 2020, Christ Church functions as a member of All Saint’s Anglican Parish, which has two locations. The second location is 248 Vidal St. North, Sarnia.