Rural Moore Township – Plum Creek Presbyterian and United Church

The congregation was started in 1891 when several pastoral charges in Lambton were realigned. Plum Creek was organized with the intention that it be joined with Black Creek and Guthrie.  A student named McConnell agreed to look after the church under the supervision of Burns Church’s minister, J. Campbell.  No church was ever built for Plum Creek. Services were held in the School Section #17 Moore, #22 Sombra building.

The original members of the church were Mr. and Mrs. John M. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dodds, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Scott, Mr. and Mrs. William Clubb, Mr. and Mrs. John Bird, Mrs. A. Buchanon, Miss McKenzie, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Alex McFarlane, Mrs. Samuel Harkness, and William Duncan, and were joined by several others the following year. John Brown was ordained as the congregation’s first elder.  In 1893, John Bird joined him as an elder, and a student named Barclay was engaged at the church for $10/week with a manse and cart supplied as well.

Over the following years, several ministers served at the church including Rev. R. J. Cockburn (1898), Rev. Alan Johnson (1900), Rev, W. McLean (1908), G.S. Milligan (1913), P.M. McEachern (1917) and H.W. Hagelstein, who left in 1925 prior to the vote on church union.

The vote for union was passed in 1925.  Members of the Black Creek appointment joined with Bradshaw, and the charge was known as the Calvary, Bradshaw and Plum Creek charge.  Guthrie, which had been joined with Plum Creek previously, was joined with members of the Waubuno charge of the Methodist church to form Calvary United. The Waubuno and Black Creek church locations were closed at this time.

The first minister of the union was the Rev. E.C. Taylor and he was succeeded by Rev. McColls, Rev. H.G. Bandy, Rev. D.D. Gaynor and Rev. J.C. Britton.  In July of 1937 this charge was separated from the Calvary charge, and attached to Brigden with Rev. J.D. Bannatyne as minister.  In June 1941, Rev. J.D. Bannatyne retired to live in Lambeth, and was succeeded by Rev. J.L. Elsdon from Warwick Village.  On February 10, 1945, Rev. Elsdon passed away after a short illness, and Rev. Anson Moorehouse of Sarnia took over services while the congregation awaited a new minister. During this time Rev. Robb of Calvary took over the administrative duties for the church. On June 29th, 1945, Rev. J.D. Button was inducted.

The fifty-eighth anniversary was held in the form of an outdoor service, with music provided by the “Pioneer Singers” and Rev. R.E Southcott of Oil City as guest speaker. Attendance at the service was the largest in the church’s history.

Rev. Button preached his last service on June 25th, 1950, and moved on to Atwood in Perth County.  A new minister, Rev. R.B. Cumming, came from Lucan, and stayed until 1958.

On Sunday, June 26th, 1960 Plum Creek church closed.  Rev. Austin Gay was the last minister of Plum Creek Church.

From The Newsletter

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